Getting Ready to GLOW at Roundup

Eric Isaia from the Southeastern California Conference was the speaker at the Roundup Church on Aug. 24, 2019. Isaia and his wife, Andrea, are active in the GLOW (Giving Light to Our World) literature ministry in California and were invited by the Steck family.

Eric Isaia related his childhood church experience as less than ideal. He would often leave church and eventually got involved in drugs and alcohol. But he gave his heart to Jesus at age 16 and attended Loma Linda Academy in California.

Isaia described the three usual ways folks distribute GLOW tracts:

  1. No contact: Leaving the tracts in bathrooms, on store shelves, in books or other ways (anonymous);
  2. Handing a tract to someone face to face: Committing to extending your hand to a person, perhaps speaking to a stranger (one on one);
  3. Being part of a big group effort: Flooding a town by going house to house and handing out tracts as a group (safety in numbers).

While there are benefits to each distribution method, only God can ensure success. We plant seeds and must let God do the rest.

The next day the church family and guests gathered at Edith and Robert Steck’s home in the Bull Mountains for an end-of-summer potluck picnic. Food and fun were enjoyed while discussing the church service from the previous day.

As we enter harvest time in our part of the world, we need to join the work of the harvest in God’s world as well. So get out there and help distribute literature that will help lead people to the Lord. Let's GLOW!

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