Pathfinders Share Jesus at College Place’s Fall Festival

The Walla Walla University Church’s Torchbearer Pathfinders had so much fun giving out fresh and free caramel apple slices during the College Place (Wash.) annual Fall Festival on Halloween night.

Their booth theme was “Keep Jesus at the Core of Everything.” A few attendees even snapped photos of the booth's sign.

They handed out more than 1,100 free and freshly dipped caramel apple slices. The apples were donated by Andy’s Market. The Pathfinders sliced many apples and prepared homemade caramel dips for the event. The city organizers estimated 1,500–2,000 people showed up at the event.

“This is such a unique idea. I have never seen anything like this before” was one of the public comments.

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Felix Tan

Walla Walla University Church Pathfinder director