Moses Lake Celebrates 100 Years


Washington's Moses Lake Church family celebrated their 100th year as a church congregation July 26–28, 2019, with former members coming from as far away as California. Curent pastor Clinton Meharry led the celebration with several former pastors, including Rick McCombs, Larry Evans, Darayl Larsen and Melvin Johnson. More than 200 people joined the reunion.

People enjoyed a weekend full of activities that began with a light supper Friday evening. Former and present members had a chance to become acquainted or reacquinted. Together they opened the Sabbath by celebrating God’s leading of the church founded in 1919 in the town, then called Neppel.

Former member, Richard Thorp, physician, led a general lesson study Sabbath morning. George Twigg II, another former member, presented his family’s recent mission trip with Upper Columbia Academy to Cambodia. The worship hour showcased music from the reunion choir. One former pastor, Larry Evans, currently assistant to the General Conference president for deaf and special needs ministries, was the main speaker.

After the service guests shared a delicious fellowship meal of church family favorites. A tour of the new church building project took up the afternoon, then everyone enjoyed a time called “Music and Memories,” featuring many former members. The afternoon culminated with Upper Columbia Conference president Minner Labrador encouraging the church to continue strong in the service of the Lord in Moses Lake until He comes again.

Many stayed and enjoyed more visiting and shared a light supper together.

Several families took the opportunity to reunite during the weekend. Sunday morning breakfast at the Cole/Twigg Ranch was a delightful time of getting reacquainted for those who hadn't seen each other for a long time.

Former member Jeannie Shumway, Earl Thorp and his wife and their four grown children referred to this event as “a highlight of their year.” Members old and new give thanks to God for making this special celebration a success.

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