Eureka Launches Radio Station With Leaps of Faith

The small Adventist congregation in Eureka, Mont., experienced firsthand that God’s time is not necessarily the same as their time. What started more than three years ago as an impression on the hearts of two church members finally culminated in the Aug. 20 groundbreaking for Eureka Adventist Radio, a low-power station located at 107.7 FM. It was a journey so full of providential happenings that it was clearly a project that would be completed due to God’s will and not man’s.


• The FCC gave a very small window in which to submit application for a low-power FM station. Two members who also were ham radio operators moved out in faith and submitted an application in June 2001.

• When differences of opinions and visions threatened to shelve the project in February 2002, God’s healing presence was felt during a special meeting and unity was restored.

• It was decided to move the tower from the original application site. A new site had to be found no more than two kilometers away to meet FCC requirements. Much legwork, phone calls, mailings and personal visits failed to turn up anything. When the church called out to God for His help, a parcel of land big enough to fit the tower, building and one parking space was offered out of the blue, exactly 1.98 kilometers away. Best of all, it was affordable.

• The tower will sit right along the major highway, giving great exposure and extending the range of coverage.

• The tower company sold out—and the Eureka tower was already paid for but not delivered. The new company didn't have the equipment to make the tower. Again, prayers were answered and an upgraded tower, with a $2,000 increased value, will be delivered to Eureka for the same price as the old one.

• Over the last three years key members moved away, but new members moved to Eureka with just the talents needed for the next phase of the project.

• Neighbors vowed to block the construction, but prayer warriors were at work and hearts softened.

• Rebar totaling $1,200 was donated three days before construction began.

• A congregation of only 20 active families has raised more than $29,000.

As you can see, God is truly working in Eureka. Progress did not come through any one person’s efforts but through every single member. If things seemed to stall, they prayed for guidance and asked God, “What would you have us do? What is your will?" and amazing things happened. This radio station is quite possibly the single most important evangelistic effort in the history of the Tobacco Valley.

Once on the air this fall, Eureka members will be ready to reach out personally with Bible studies, build a new church and whatever else God leads them to do. It will be a leap of faith, but they have seen how God can take faith and build a radio tower.

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Featured in: October 2004
