Goldendale Celebrates 120 Years

More than 200 members and former members of the Goldendale (Wash.) Church celebrated its 120th anniversary Aug. 6–7.

The homecoming was the result of hard work by a homecoming committee, which invited as many former members as could be found.

Former members and pastors were involved with all aspects of the weekend's program. The weekend started with a Friday night potluck and vespers. On Sabbath morning, Edwin Supit, a former member now living in Guam, presented a slide show and narrative about the problem of diabetes on that island and how this disease can be treated with God’s original diet of fresh fruits, vegetables and grains.

The Sabbath church service included three parts of a sermon entitled, "The Son," presented by the pastor, Warren Blanck.

After church, members and guests shared a potluck meal filled with memories. Pictures and articles from the inception of the church were dug up from the Signs of the Times, the local paper, the GLEANER and personal pictures. The memorabilia was placed on the dining tables for members, former members and visitors to peruse. Following the potluck, the children enjoyed a Bible treasure hunt.

The afternoon service featured a church history and testimonies interspersed with music.

Many former members attended the homecoming, including some who had attended the Goldendale Church in the 1940s and 1950s. Two former pastors who attended were William Clements, who helped choose the church's property on Northwest Second Street, and Roy Churchill, who 30 years later had a similar job in selecting the church's Bickleton Road property, where he helped construct the church building.

The special homecoming culminated in the re-baptism of Lanae Woodruff Johnson by former pastor Larre Kostenko.

As homecoming guests entered the sanctuary for the special celebration, each received a printed history of the church, showing articles from Signs of the Times and the GLEANER. It told how a small church was organized in 1884 after evangelistic meetings were held in this part of the Washington Territory.

There were three organizations of the Goldendale Church, in 1918, 1926 and 1947. At least a dozen different pastors have served during the past 120 years.

The Goldendale homecoming was a time for renewing of friendships and offered a foretaste of the true homecoming when Jesus comes.

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Featured in: October 2004
