Image Credit: Maurita Crew

Prayerful Effort Increases Libby Enrollment

Libby Adventist Christian School in Libby, Montana, was presented with a challenging situation this summer. The enrollment for the 2020–21 school year looked to be as low as two students. Libby teacher Patsy Iverson and the school board recognized something needed to be done quickly to ensure the school had more students for the upcoming school year.

Everyone began to earnestly pray. Iverson received a phone call from her sister, Darlene Theisen, during which she felt compelled to help Iverson with the enrollment dilemma. With the help of Theisen, Iverson and school volunteers, things took place quickly to transform the hallway of the Montana school into an inviting space that shares the mission of the school through pictures and projects the students had worked on. Facebook ads were placed, and the local newspaper ran a story about the school.

Soon the phone calls started coming in. Enrollment numbers started to climb. The enrollment is now currently at eight students. When you talk to Iverson about the increase in enrollment, she gives all the credit to God for bringing the right people to help the school during a crucial time.

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Featured in: January/February 2021
