Thousands Raised for Bozeman Warming Center

For the past 10 years Jim Jenkins, pastor, has encouraged his Bozeman Church congregation to join the October Flying Signs for the Warming Center fundraising event. Each year those who participate experience the blessing of serving others and the camaraderie of working towards a common goal.

Jenkins stated during a recent sermon that the Bozeman Church/Mount Ellis Academy group has raised the most funds in this annual event for nine of the last 10 years. The congregation is always thankful for how the Lord works to bring success each year. Four years ago members celebrated when a Bozeman Church member and an MEA student received $10,000 from a single individual.

This year, despite freezing weather, 25 members including families with children, youth and young adults joined 10 MEA students and staff for the event. The results were nothing short of a miracle as they raised $3,800 dollars and surpassed last year by $300.

The Bozeman Church is praising the Lord for generous hearts and brave souls who continue to partake faithfully in this fundraiser each year.

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Featured in: January/February 2021
