Why I Like My School Students Write their Thoughts

Fifth- and sixth-grade students at Yakima Adventist Christian School (YACS) composed essays this year about why they liked their school. Here is a composite of their work:

I really like YACS because everyone is nice and cheerful. It has a good Christian atmosphere, and you can make friends easily. We get along with each other. We learn to work together and have fun. The kids are always nice to me and help me out with my work. Everyone plays together. I have lots of friends at YACS. YACS has a safe environment where people don't drink, do drugs or have guns. There are no gangs or bullies or people that walk up to my desk and steal. I can walk the halls and feel safe. My friends are honest and kind. We try to do our personal best in everything.

YACS is a cool school. Everyone here is so friendly and caring. Everyone is nice to each other, and we pray for each other. It makes me feel good when my class and I pray together. I like that we can pray and praise God in school. It really makes me feel good inside. We have morning worship every day. I write praises and prayers to God, then our class prays together. I have a Bible class, and it is great. I am learning to use the Bible better, and I'm growing closer to God. It is so nice to be able to come to a school and have worship and prayer every morning. The worships at YACS are interesting. I learn about God at school, even in my schoolbooks and pray before every test. When I started going to YACS, it made me want to get baptized.

There are great teachers at YACS. The teachers work with us and make sure we understand our work. They care about my grades and help me in any way they can. They encourage me to always do my best. The teachers share Jesus with us. They really care about each one of us and enjoy working with us. The teachers are very cool. They love helping the students. They encourage us with love. My teachers are very patient with me.

When you are in fifth grade, you have a choice to be in band or choir. It is fun to be in the band. Our music teacher is amazing and so helpful. Every year we have two programs where all the classes practice and then play in the band or sing in the choir in front of our families and friends. The programs are fun.

We have a PE teacher too. Mr. Hesseltine teaches us games and exercises. It helps me stay in good shape.

I also like YACS because we have an art teacher. She helps us make gifts for shut-ins. We make cards and give them to people. We do lots of outreach projects. We fill boxes for Operation Christmas Child, make bread and deliver it to our neighbors, collect cans for food baskets, and sing at a nursing home. I love going on field trips to retirement homes because the people seem happier when we come.

The people are friendly at our school. Our janitor, Mr. Atwood, is always happy. He always has the sidewalks shoveled, the classrooms and hallways clean, the grass cut and the bathrooms shiny.

Our principal is great. He is really nice. He shakes my hand every morning and welcomes me with a smile. We have a great principal who is always there for us.

Every year at YACS the fifth and sixth graders get to go to Camp MiVoden in Idaho for outdoor school. We stay there for a week and do fun activities. We do fun games, go swimming, look at stars and fill out a journal.

Many different people volunteer at our school. We have good hot lunches. They are very good and very healthy. We have prayer warriors that pray for us. Every Friday we get pizza, popcorn and nachos after school. On Fridays, we also get out at 12:15 p.m.

I like YACS because there is a lot of land. We can play four-square at recess. The building is nice and the gym is huge. At my school we have a big mural with the past schools and Jesus on it. Some students also got to be in the picture.

We have a lot of fun at Yakima Adventist Christian School. I love YACS! YACS is an awesome place. I like that we get to show God's love to others. We are allowed to pray and praise God. We get to talk about heaven. YACS is a safe, happy school and is a great place to be. I think YACS is a wonderful school. I am so glad I go to Yakima Adventist Christian School. I want my children to go to this school too. YACS is a very good place to go to school. I am so glad that Yakima Adventist Christian School is here for me to attend.

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Featured in: March 2004


Susan Bailey

Yakima Adventist Christian School administrative assistant