Teacher Named in Who's Who for Second Time

Tears were streaming as Joanne Rasco read the letter to her husband, Jim: ”Congratulations. You have been nominated again to be honored in Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers.

“As you may recall you were selected for this honor because you 'made a difference' in the life of one of your former students. The only students invited to submit nominations are those who have distinguished themselves by being recognized for excellence in either Who’s Who Among American High School Students or The National Deans List. The two most prestigious publications in the nation honoring the best and brightest high school and college students.

"You should be aware that only five percent of our nation's teachers are honored in each edition of Who’s Who and less than two percent are included in more than one edition. Your students are clearly sending you a message of how special you are, a tribute bestowed on very few teachers. As you read this letter please know that we at Who’s Who are applauding you for a job well done. Multiple Year Honoree. Nominated by Katie Boothby.”

A memory of Krystal Hunt raced across JoAnne’s mind. Krystal nominated her for Who’s Who in 2000. Hunt is a senior at Walla Walla College, majoring in international business with a minor in German. She spent a year at Bogenhofen Seminary.

And now a nomination by Katie Boothby, who graduated with highest honors at Upper Columbia Academy, attended Walla Walla College and was selected for the National Honor Society. Katie said "Mrs. R.," as she is fondly called, inspired her to be currently teaching first grade on the island of Palau.

Recently retired from Palouse Hills Adventist School (Moscow, Idaho) Rasco's teaching career spanned 38 years and much of the country. She felt her classroom was her mission field.

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Featured in: April 2004
