AMA Leads Grassroots Digital Discipleship

“Please pray for my family!”

“Wishing everyone a happy Sabbath. Any prayer requests?”

“Prayers for two of our villages as they are experiencing the death of loved ones.”

“Please keep Pastor John in your prayers.”

“Quyana for accepting my request to join.”

These are just a few of the Facebook posts on the Arctic Mission Adventure Togiak Village group.

The virtual group was initially created two years ago to share weekly church service information to the more than 50 church members in the Alaska Native village of Togiak. Then, COVID-19 hit and membership requests doubled. People joined from Alaska Native villages across Bush Alaska as well as Natives from Canada and Greenland.

With the growth of membership came a unique grassroots digital discipleship opportunity to communicate, converse, invite and proclaim Jesus Christ across all the dominations of faith represented in the group.

The Togiak Village Facebook group is a safe space where no one is disparaged for who they are or what they have been in the past. All are prayed for and encouraged.

In turn, each member supports another in need. The group provides a platform for weekly thought-nuggets to help navigate the tough times with the love and support of spirit-filled members.

This summer, Native laypeople and pastors will record and post two-to-three-minute themed devotional videos including New Beginnings, The Love of God and Where is God When I am Hurting?

Please pray for this unique new ministry opportunity and ask that God will reach through the digital “airways” to connect with a life in need of Him.

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Featured in: July/August 2021
