Oregon Conference Plants Pandemic Churches

Undoubtedly, the last year has been a dark chapter in history. Hundreds of thousands of people died due to COVID-19, thousands of others lost jobs and social distancing has deeply affected the way people relate to one another.

Echo Church seeks to be a spiritual community that strives to become more like Jesus by communing with Him and engaging in doing what He did. This yearning is what led us to plant two congregations in two Oregon cities in the midst of the pandemic. These two church plants, both named Echo Church, share the same mission and vision but are serving two different communities. One church was planted in Milwaukie and the other in Gresham.

Echo Church was created to help others know Jesus. 

Because life isn’t always easy, the church hopes to provide community and friendship. One way they do this is through weekly small group meetings. When we don’t try to do it alone, life is much richer. Jesus gave up His heavenly position to come live amongst us. Echo Church is dedicated to doing life together too. 

Another goal is to empower people to discover their life purpose. Knowing God has a unique plan for each individual, the church hopes to inspire every child, youth and adult to find their purpose so they can enjoy an abundant life.

Echo Church plants were designed to equip individuals to make a difference in their own community. Just as Jesus became a servant, Echo Church has adopted Jesus’ example to serve others.

Often we accept the gospel, enjoy life in community and even discover our life purpose; however, if we are not making a difference in our communities, we are merely exercising intellectual knowledge. This is what we have been up to during this pandemic. Everything we do is grounded in the aforementioned realities and God has continued to bless us.

God has placed Echo Church in an opportune time. People are searching for answers, for healthy relationships and for meaning in their lives. Through effective discipleship, Echo Church, by God’s grace, provide what people need in these times.

As Echo Church members know they could not have asked for a better place or a better time in history to be alive. The challenges are vast, but so are the possibilities of obtaining incredible results for God’s kingdom.

Fernando Chavez, Oregon Conference church planter

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Featured in: July/August 2021
