Hope Channel Launches Web Site with Broadband Video

Last December, the Adventist Television Network launched the Hope Channel, a 24/7 broadcast designed to reach people searching for Bible truth and the real meaning of life.

Now the Hope Channel has hit the cyber world with streaming video on its new Web site, www.hopetv.org, putting the virtue back into virtual, so to speak, and making it accessible to the masses.

As an outreach effort, it's a new approach by the General Conference. While they’ve long utilized the technology for transmission of select programs and satellite evangelism events, this is their first official full-time television channel.

The programs selected so far have been chosen for their global perspective, diversity and ability to present God’s Word with a fresh approach that’s appealing to both a spiritually inquisitive public and Adventists.

In addition to such classics as It Is Written, Faith for Today, The Quiet Hour and Voice of Prophecy, the Hope Channel has a catchy medley of programs like Faith Factor, Sabbath School University and Mind the Gap.

Programs are produced by Adventist churches, colleges, hospitals and institutions, as well as other sources and some programming will undoubtedly come from the Northwest.

Footsteps of Paul takes viewers, with host Tony Moore, on a journey through the ancient ruins of familiar Bible sites, weaving in the Scripture’s distinctive teachings on such topics as the Sabbath, death and Christ’s second coming.

Faith Alive is a devotional series by Mark Finley and Shawn Boonstra of It Is Written that features spiritual vignettes designed to add interest to personal and family worship. Mark Finley also has a new series, Faith Against Odds, which premiered recently.

A new program called Cliff Goldstein Live! tackles many of the difficult and controversial issues people face today. Goldstein, a well-known author and speaker, discusses today's vital questions with leading writers, theologians, philosophers, artists and newsmakers.

Other shows explore God’s connection with this world through tranquil scenes and meditative music from around the world. We have a feeling you’ll like it. So go online. Check it out. And then, tell a friend….or maybe a hundred.

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Featured in: May 2004