The Perfect Mate Described by Columbia Seniors

Columbia Adventist Academy seniors have been studying what makes a great marriage in their marriage and family class. When they were asked to write about their ideal spouse, almost every student mentioned the importance of finding a Christian mate.

“I want to be able to talk about deep spiritual things with my husband, to study with him and pray together," described Brittany Prahl. "I want my partner and I to be active in the church and God’s ministry.”

Her classmate, Crystal Kandoll, sees Jesus as the best example for marriage. “It is Christ who gave us the ability to love, and He showed us what love truly is. Therefore the relationship absolutely must be based around Him," she explained.

This value for Christ-centered marriage was held by the young men as well. “The perfect wife is a wife that will always uplift you and will make your life more complete," said Chase Hendrickson. "No relationship is complete without God.”

“I want most of all a friend who loves God and loves me almost as much," Brett Maynor said. "I need to see God in her so there is always an assurance that there is a God and He gave me this woman to love as I love Him.”

Perhaps what these young people are holding as most valuable could challenge husbands and wives to have a deeper spiritual connection that sets an example for the youth to follow.

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Featured in: May 2004