Canals Becomes NPUC Hispanic Coordinator

Ramon Canals has joined the North Pacific Union Conference (NPUC) as assistant to the president for Hispanic ministries. Canals, who most recently filled a similar role for the Oregon Conference, steps into the position left vacant upon Ralph Orduno’s retirement in December 2003. Canals will also serve as an associate ministerial director for the union.

A devout Catholic altar boy when just a lad, Canals was converted and baptized into the Adventist church at age 20. Just three years later, he married Aurora Romero, and together they embarked on a lifelong journey of soul-winning.

Starting his full-time ministry in the New Jersey Conference, Canals finished his master of divinity degree at Andrews Univeristy in 1988. He was called to the Oregon Conference in 1994 as a full-time evangelist and was later given further responsibilities as Hispanic ministries coordinator and associate ministerial director. He completed his doctor of ministry degree from the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University in 1998.

The Canals make their home in Clackamas, Ore., and have a married daughter, Jessica, who lives in Battle Ground, Wash., and a son, Gabriel, who graduated with a communication major in May from Southwestern Adventist University.

Canals brings a two-fold focus to his expanded role in the Northwest. “My passion is simple,” he says. “God has called me to be involved in soul-winning and teach other people to win souls.”

“In recent years, the Canals have received numerous invitations to move to other places and opportunities,” says Jere Patzer, NPUC president. “We’re absolutely delighted that they’ve prayerfully decided that God wants them here in the Northwest. His fervor as an evangelist and focus as a mentor will prove invaluable to members and seekers alike during this Year of Evangelism and beyond.”

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Featured in: June 2004


Steve Vistaunet

North Pacific Union assistant to the president for communication and Gleaner editor, 1996–2019