Community Service Leaders Survive Serious Accident

Tad and Terri Harwood, Cave Junction (Ore.) Church community service coordinators were driving the community service truck from the Grants Pass food bank to Cave Junction on March 8 when a lady drove directly in front of them.Tad swerved to avoid an accident, and the truck overturned on the highway, leaving the Harwoods hanging upside down by their seatbelts.

One ton of canned goods and other foods blanketed the highway as the Harwoods were cut from the demolished truck by Jaws of Life equipment. They and the driver of the other vehicle were rushed to the hospital.

Although suffering from neck and upper body pain, the Harwoods were on the job only eight days later, caring for the more than 165 clients that come to the center for food and clothing.

Their staff of 14 volunteers are amazed at their total dedication to the needy people in the Illinois Valley and praise God for these self-sacrificing workers.

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Featured in: August 2004
