Prayers Bless East Wenatchee Meetings

In the fall of 2020, East Wenatchee Valley View Church planned to have Brian McMahon, pastor, present a series to their church. However the series was canceled due to pandemic restrictions. With much prayer and the grace of God, the series was rescheduled for February 26 to March 19, 2022. Leading up to the series, the church gathered virtually for 30 days in prayer.

Although, prayer did not stop there. Many church members prayed for specific people, but especially for family members. One individual, Jeff, previously knew the church but had wandered. When his wife, Shanda, heard about the meetings, she began praying for him in earnest. She invited him to the meetings periodically, and after a while he decided to join her. His searching heart was changed, and he was baptized after the meetings.

There were many more individuals like Jeff including Milagro, a Catholic who was searching for the truth. Lupe, a church member, knew about Milagro and began praying. Lupe invited her to come to the meetings, and Milagro was convicted of the Sabbath truth and God’s forgiveness. She, too, was baptized and added to the ranks of the faithful Sabbath keepers.

Katie, a newly baptized member, had been praying for her sister Kathy. Kathy was resistant to church and the Bible, but her sister’s persistent prayers were answered and, through the impressions of the Holy Spirit, she finally gave her heart to Jesus. Kathy was baptized soon after the meetings. 

The East Wenatchee Valley View Church believes that their 13 newly baptized members would not be here if not for the series put on by McMahon and his wife Heidi. They also thank their dedicated pastor, Korter, for leading in the many petitions that went up to heaven starting well before the meetings. Prayer works!

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Glenn Perry

Valley View Church member in East Wenatchee, Washington