Spokane Center Offers Food, Clothes and Hope

The good work of Spokane's Better Living Center (BLC) has expanded to benefit thousands during its 30 years of operation with the support of the Central, Linwood and Southhill churches.

Located in a prime spot, thousands of vehicles drive past the BLC daily and are greeted by signs advertising Positive Life Radio, stop-smoking classes and soon, He's Alive television and the Adventist Book Center.

Ken Noah, 82, senior volunteer coordinator and manager of the BLC since 1993, is quick to assert that the center's 27 volunteers are the ones who make it possible to serve the people of north Spokane. In 2003 alone, the BLC distributed more than 400,000 pounds to needy people, including fresh vegetables provided by local Adventist gardeners.

Noah and his volunteers have expanded the supplies of the BLC to include, when available, furniture, refrigerators, freezers, washers, dryers, stoves, beds, mattresses, bedding and quilts. They also organize volunteers to make and package baby layettes, which include clothes, diapers, blankets, formula and baby food.

The center shares literature, such as Signs of the Times, health-related pamphlets, a Russian paperback cookbook and The Great Controversy, in addition to offering vegetarian cooking classes.

A retired doctor, Oliver Lowery, commutes 33 miles to give free blood pressure tests on Tuesday. "I’m amazed how much stuff is pushed through this place," he said.

Matt. 25:40 sums up the principle of the Better Living Center: "Inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren you have done it unto me."

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Featured in: August 2004