Northwest Men's Conference: A Call to Action

"I felt God’s power—I loved it!”

“This has been a deep spiritual blessing.”

“My soul was extremely blessed.”

Three hundred men attended the Northwest Men’s Conference organized by Oregon Conference family ministries. Presenting the theme, “From Men to Husbands to Fathers,” this conference was created to bring positive change in homes.

“Our most important outreach program is men’s ministries,” says Joe Starnes, a participant from Vernonia. “We have tried everything from stop smoking clinics to Revelation seminars. With this program, we can envision pulling men in Vernonia together and building a strong program for our Lord.”

During the weekend, Charles A. Ballard, founder and CEO of the Institute for Responsible Fatherhood and Family Revitalization, presented messages challenging men to be the leaders God intended. “Dr. Charles Ballard was a strong motivational speaker,” shares Julius Jones, Your Bible Speaks Church pastor. “He was the right man at the right time and place.”

Breakout sessions featured such topics as: “Magnificent Maleness: Chiseled by the Hand of God,” “Men Are Clams, Women Are Crowbars,” and “The Male Emotion—What’s That?” Free professional counseling was also available.

The Northwest Men’s Conference was originally planned for every other year. However, due to incredible demand, Harvey Corwin, Oregon Conference family life director, has moved the date to Oct. 14–15, 2005.

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Featured in: January 2005
