Image Credit: Judy Whitlock

Bonanza Church Celebrates Rededication and Mortgage Burning

On Feb. 11, 2023, Bonanza Adventist Church members rededicated their church to God while celebrating the burning of their fully paid mortgage.

The festivities began with historic photos shown by Sid Dyer and Ike Carson. Jim Osborne and Dyer interviewed charter members Jim and Nancy Yoder and Art and Jeanette Fry. These pioneers, along with Ray Erwin, pastor, and his wife, Dorothy, were instrumental in working with the community to plan a branch Sabbath School in fall 1979.  

On Jan. 5, 1980, a large group met in Bonanza City Library. They were assigned the title of "company" on April 12, 1980, while providing for the needs of the Bonanza community through Pathfinders, Vacation Bible School, youth activities, women’s ministries, “sing sings” and breakfasts.

They purchased and remodeled a little house into a church soon after, and on Thanksgiving weekend 1982, the members were full of gratitude as they entered their little church for the first time. The Bonanza Company became a church on April 23, 1983.

As the years progressed, the little house could no longer provide adequate space for the growing congregation and plans were made for a new facility. After helping construct a large fellowship hall, kitchen and classrooms in June 2013, Maranatha Volunteers, International, returned in August to help build a sanctuary. Meeting in the sanctuary for the first time on April 1, 2017, the members praised God for His answer to prayer.

Sarel Smit, Bonanza Church pastor, offered a prayer of rededication and thankfulness following the interview at the recent celebratory event. Then the congregation watched with anticipation and happiness as Brent Plubell, then serving as Oregon Conference vice president of finance, burned the paid-in-full mortgage statement. This was very timely, being that the quarter’s Sabbath School lessons were on management and stewardship and laying our treasures up in heaven.

In closing, you could hear voices of devoted members and friends of the community as once again, they stood in unity, raising their voices to God, singing the words by E.A. Hoffman: “What a fellowship, What a joy divine, Leaning on the everlasting Arms … Leaning on Jesus.Bonanza Church was truly built on a firm foundation and has been truly blessed.


Bonanza members burning their fully paid mortgage. Clockwise: Sarel Smit, pastor, Sid Dyer, Jim Osborne, pastor, Art Fry, Jeanette Fry, Jim Yoder, Nancy Yoder and Brent Plubell, Oregon Conference VP for finance.

Judy Whitlock
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