Arctic Mission Adventure Bringing Hope and Heaven to Alaska's Natives

Ken Crawford’s voice gets passionate when he speaks of bringing hope, healing and the love of Jesus to the native people of Alaska.

The Crawfords started their ministry 25 years ago as task-force volunteers in Savoonga, a village on St. Lawrence Island. Now, with his return to Alaska as conference president, he still has a vision for evangelism in villages such as Ambler, Shungnak, Selawik, Kotzebue, Savoonga, Gambell, and Togiak where the work once thrived.

Speaking at a recent convocation, Crawford stated, “The people of these villages are pleading for hope and frequently ask when the Adventists are coming back to live in their villages and teach them about the Bible.”

Speaking at a recent convocation, Crawford stated, “The people of these villages are pleading for hope and frequently ask when the Adventists are coming back to live in their villages and teach them about the Bible.”

His dream is to see young Adventist couples come to these villages, bringing suicide-prevention and health education, while reopening the doors of the chapels to Sabbath services and teaching about Jesus.

The October 30 Northwest mission offering collected in Adventist churches across the North Pacific Union, will go to help launch this much-needed work.

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Featured in: October 2005
