Update on Fort Belknap Adventist School

Things are looking good at Fort Belknap Adventist School. Church friends helped set up and fill book shelves. We started the school year with five students.

After breakfast, we head into the church for our morning devotion and prayer time. Sometimes Samantha leads us in some praise songs. Jim Jenkins, Fort Belknap pastor, joined us on our first Tuesday morning worship.

Marian enjoys coming to her “own school.” She says, “I like recess and doing math. We read some nice stories.” Troy enjoys building with the K’nex toys. He is working hard on his handwriting.

Harry says, “Computers are cool! I like lunches and hearing stories.” Samantha agrees about the computers. "Mrs. F" is hoping to soon have a better selection of computer programs for the students.

Feather likes the small number of students but says, “It would be nice if there were more students my age.” There are several more students in the process of enrolling.

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Featured in: October 2005
