Friendship Evangelism at Its Best

Ginger Gregg, of Goldendale, Wash., met Calvin and Faye Fischer at an inter-denominational Bible study several months ago. Gregg noticed that the Fischers had a more “in depth” understanding of the Bible than other Christians and began asking them questions. This developed into another Bible study and friendship.

Gregg attended the 2005 Doug Batchelor “Prophecy Code” seminar at the Goldendale Church, where she was warmly embraced and accepted. She has often stated that the Goldendale Church members are very warm and friendly. Gregg grasped and accepted each Bible doctrine, which led to her baptism June 9 by Warren Blanck, Goldendale Church pastor.

Joyce Iman, of Lyle, Wash., has been studying with Vernon Chase, retired pastor, and she has been attending church with Vernon and Annette Chase in Condon, Ore., and in Goldendale. The first studies they gave Iman were the Discover Bible studies, which she loved. The Chases have also kept Iman supplied with books, such as The Desire of Ages and The Great Controversy, and Doug Batchelor videos. Iman has been eager to accept all Bible doctrines. Her first desire is to have Christ in her heart. Her statement to the Chases has always been, “If you can show it to me from the Bible, I’ll do it.” Iman wanted to be and was baptized by Chase. She has been very thrilled with the friendliness, love and acceptance she has found in the Goldendale and Condon churches

These baptisms truly demonstrate the statement, “Jesus mingled with men, as one who desired their good. He showed his sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence, then he bade them follow me” (Ministry of Healing, p.142).

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Featured in: October 2005
