Fair Booth Fares Well

The Adventist booth at the Oregon State Fair in Salem has been representing the Oregon Conference for the past several years. The main focus this year was health: obesity and diabetes. The booth was open from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. for 10 days—Aug. 27 through Labor Day. One hundred volunteers from churches such as South Salem, East Salem, Salem Central, Salem Spanish, Dallas, Silverton and Stayton operated it.

Visitors to the booth were able to sign up for prizes such as cookbooks, health-related books, BibleInfo CDs, and Amazing Facts’ Final Events DVD. Twenty-five people signed up for Bible studies, and more than 500 pieces of literature were distributed, including 25 copies of The Great Controversy and 100 Steps to Christ. They also distributed fliers for It Its Written’s The Appearing.

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Featured in: November 2005
