Albany Recognizes Faithful Service

In a special award ceremony on Oct. 9, a very surprised Ed Marshall was recognized for his many years of faithful service to the Albany (Ore.) Church. Master of ceremonies John Murray provided an enjoyable trip down memory lane as he outlined Marshall’s many contributions to the church since his baptism in 1955: 35 years as elder, 20 years on the Central Valley Christian School board, and 10 years as chairman of the Albany Church board, to name just a few of the 12 awards.

Among the more humorous awards was the “Silver Drip Award” given for 25 years of dealing with roof leaks! Marshall was also presented a certificate for his leadership of our Pathfinder club by John Stitzel, our current Sabbath School superintendent and former Pathfinder during Ed’s leadership tenure. Head deacon and present church board chairman Ted Luna also presented him with an engraved gavel and clock with a photo of the Albany Church.

Ed's wife, Elaine, was also recognized with a certificate of appreciation for her years of standing by her husband during his service to our church. She is well-known, too, for her loaves of fresh bread and containers of soup that have brightened many a shut-in’s day. A heart-felt round of applause and “Amen’s” echoed as Murray announced that the Marshalls have contributed a combined total of over 230 years of service to our church.

Memorial contributions can be made to the "Ed Marshall Memorial Scholarship" in care of the Albany Church.

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Featured in: February 2005