Richland Church Retreats to Set Goals

The Richland Church members, instead of going on their usual retreat, journeyed to Camp MiVoden on Hayden Lake in Idaho for the weekend of Nov. 12–14, 2004, with the expressed purpose to advance and set one-year and three-year goals for the church. And that is exactly what they did!

In several intensive meetings and break-out sessions throughout the weekend, Eric Shadle, church pastor, led the members to brainstorm and dream about where God would lead their church in the next one and three years. The following church core values were discussed, defined, and used in praying for guidance in determining the direction the church should go:

· Prayer—provides our guidance and empowerment

· Acceptance—receive all people unconditionally into fellowship

· Spirituality—active relationship with God and man

· Children—an integral part of our church as a gift of God

· Nurture—caring for all people as family

With these core values in mind and with the Lord's leading, the Richland Church established goals in the areas of health ministries, small groups, youth ministries, outreach programs, and neighborhood and community integration. The members also set their sights on starting a mentoring program, paying off their building loan, and planning for a facility expansion.

All their time was not spent in meetings, however, as the group spent time in fellowship and prayer, singing, recreation, and nurturing their children. A highlight of the time there was the ordination of two elders, Don Olson, administration ministry leader, and Wanda Harder, outreach and evangelism ministry leader.

Many helped to make this retreat a big success. The Richland Klahani Pathfinder teens and staff leaders volunteered to provide activities for the children—a service much appreciated by the parents. Uplifting music was provided by several members and guests from Walla Walla College. The retreat was not only productive, but an awesome spiritual experience.

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Featured in: February 2005
