Alumni Weekend at Cascade Christian Academy

The Wenatchee Church and Cascade Christian Academy (CCA) acknowledged their alumni on Oct. 31. The last weekend in October has been designated as alumni weekend for CCA so the other alumni weekends around the various conferences can be accommodated.

This year the class of 1994 was honored. Members of that class planned and participated in the church service. Mark Witas, the new CCA principal, was the guest speaker. The music and drama department, headed by Dan Kravig and Vicki Downer, with their travel troop "Five More Minutes" did an innovative portrayal of the story of Job.

Alumni fellowshiped at an all-church potluck, and the evening ended with the CCA fall festival. Sunday was set aside for the annual alumni golf tournament. The first-place team was led by Mark Witas. More alumni information can be found at

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Featured in: February 2005
