Miles City Church Grows

Miles City Church recently welcomed four new members into the church family.

Irene Gresens has Adventist family members who encouraged her to take Bible studies to learn what Adventists believe. As a result, she made the decision to be baptized.

Courtney Peaslee has grown up in our church and is excited to be a member and do her part in the church.

Sheri Wiedeman and her mother followed a grandfather's advice and began attending the Miles City Church. They participated in a Bible marking class, Sabbath School, and church. Sheri became a member of a small group and soon joined the church by profession of faith.

Bette Harwood looked up the church address in the phone book and drove by the church. There she found our pastor's name, looked up his phone number, and called to tell him she wanted to be baptized. She had purchased the Conflict of the Ages set from a literature evangelist 11 years before. When she finally started to read The Great Controversy, she was convicted she needed to become an Adventist. John Delinger, Miles City Church pastor, could hardly give her enough books to read and studies to complete before she was ready for more. Her first Sabbath in church was the Sabbath that Gresens and Peaslee were baptized. Two months later she was baptized.

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Featured in: March 2005
