KTSY Sends Valentines to Idaho Soldiers in Iraq

Staff members of radio station KTSY 89.5 FM, spent much of the month of February touring Southwest Idaho with five huge Valentine cards. The cards were actually 10-foot banners that said things like, "The Treasure Valley loves the 116th! Come Home Safe."

People from all over Idaho and some neighboring states stopped to add their greetings to the banners. In just a couple of weeks, KTSY collected thousands of signatures and personal messages. Some wives and children of soldiers in Iraq came by and wrote notes of encouragement to husbands and fathers.

The banners are now on their way to Iraq where a captain in the 116th Battalion will take them to be hung in the mess halls in Iraq so the nearly 2,000 Idaho soldiers will be able to see them every day.

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Featured in: April 2005
