Church Holds Young-Adults' Retreat

The Roundup (Mont.) Church sponsored a retreat for its young adults Feb. 4–6. Young adults from the Lewistown Church joined them.

Lewistown member Neil Rauch built a 7-foot sled to tow behind his snowmobile to transport people and supplies to the destination: a Forest Service cabin at Crystal Lake in the Big Snowy Mountains. Due to unseasonably warm temperatures and a lack of precipitation, however, much of the road to the cabin became bare and impassable to snowmobiles. The plans changed to meet the conditions and the group hiked in, packing their supplies up the 5.7-mile road.

On Friday evening, each person filled out a card listing their favorite food and Bible story, their clothing color palette, the book of the Bible that best describes salvation to them, etc. The cards were gathered and shuffled, then the group guessed who each card described. We then had a discussion about getting acquainted with Jesus.

Sharing Sabbath worship, fellowship and recreational experiences helped to forge friendships between the young adults of two churches and bring us all closer to God.

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Featured in: May 2005
