Heaven Parties over Four New Members in Falls City

Members of the Falls City (Ore.) Church had the privilege of seeing four new members born into God's kingdom at a baptism on Sabbath, Feb. 19. Mary Kidd, Roger Buttrum, Jerry Dhooghe, and Sam De Ceault all made their decision to follow the Lord and become part of His family after attending the series of meetings presented by Steve and Alberta Cook, Oregon Conference evangelists, during January and February. Virginia English of the South Salem Church was also re-baptized during this series. Kathy and Hayley Tarter and Sharon Jones provided child care so that parents of small children could attend.

The attendance at the meetings was the best that has been seen in Falls City in many years and didn't diminish as the deeper truths of the Bible were presented. On some nights, there were twice as many visitors as members in attendance.

We long-time members praise the Lord for the straightforward and Christ-centered way in which the truths were presented and that so many people of our small community were led to attend. There are several others who are still studying and attending church services, so there will most likely be more who will be making their final decision to go all the way with the Lord. Pastor Les Jones is still working with these and helping them prepare to become part of the church family.

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Featured in: June 2005
