Livingstone's Hero in the Classroom

If you combined the teaching experience of the rest of the high school staff of Livingstone Adventist Academy, it would just about equal the experience of Howard Hodges—both in years and subject matter.

Hodges has taught since 1962 in eight different subject areas. Even after retiring from full-time teaching five years ago, he has remained active at Livingstone, teaching computer applications and taking care of the school’s 13 acres.

Children of former students have become Hodge's students more times than he can count. “I once asked an eighth-grade class to raise their hands if I had taught their parents or a member of their family, and I think every hand went up.”

Teaching was a good fit for Hodges because of his interest in service and a love for young people. He says Adventist schools are “the only place on the planet where you can study at the feet of dedicated Christian teachers who love Jesus and want to see every student in heaven.”

It's a serious calling for Hodges. “I love young people,” he says. “I hope every student in Adventist schools comes away with a love for Jesus and their fellow man.”

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Featured in: July 2005
