Tamala Newsome Receives Miliken Award

Tamala Newsome, Ball Elementary School principal in Portland, Ore., and member of the University Park Adventist Church, was the latest outstanding educator to be surprised with a $25,000 Miliken National Educator Award.

The Milken Family Foundation, Santa Monica, Calif., presents its National Educator Awards each year to recognize and reward outstanding educators across the U.S. and to spotlight teaching as a rewarding career choice.

A standing-room-only crowd of students, staff and special guests, including Susan Castillo, Oregon Superintendent of Public Instruction, filled Ball Elementary School's multi-purpose room. Lowell Milken, foundation chairman, presented the award. "I am humbled and honored to receive an award for something we do every day," Newsome said. She thanked her staff for "putting the children first every day."

When Newsome became principal of this Title I school in 1999, it was considered a low-achieving school. It has since become one of the top-achieving schools in the district.

"You have a success story right here," said Castillo, "You are improving in reading and math and delivering success every day."

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Featured in: August 2005