Montana and Beyond 59th Regular Constituency Session

Montana Conference delegates overwhelmingly re-elected both John Loor Jr., president, and Myron Iseminger, vice-president, during the conference’s 59th regular constituency session, held June 19 at Mt. Ellis Academy in Bozeman, Mont.

The 269 delegates who attended from all corners of the conference also:

• Re-elected David Prest to direct the church ministries, ministerial and trust departments;

• Re-elected Larry Unterseher as director of communication, education, health, national servicemen’s organization and youth;

• Voted to resolve liability concerns by combining the conference and association/corporation entities into one corporation to be known as Montana Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Inc.

Since the last constituency session in 2001, four new congregations have been planted in Plains, Townsend, Billings Heights and Poplar. Three low-power radio stations also now fill the airwaves in Kalispell, Bozeman and Eureka, with more on the way.

Looking to the future, Loor shared his vision that Montana Conference would:

• Surpass the 4,000 membership mark and average 100 new members each year;

• Make Mt. Ellis Academy financially secure until Jesus comes;

• Purchase viable property to begin operating a summer camp ministry before the next constituency session in 2009.

Delegates were optimistic about the future of the work in Montana. “Our conference leadership is empowering the laity by placing a strong emphasis on church growth,” said Mark Bond, graphic designer and member of the Swan Valley Adventist Church in Condon. “I am encouraged to see what will happen in the next four years. I think we will see many new faces in our churches.”

Loor challenged the members to invite their friends and neighbors to know Jesus. “To do that,” he said, “we will have to spend time with Him each day. With Jesus and each one of us upholding each other, we will reach Montana and beyond.”

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Featured in: August 2005


Steve Vistaunet

North Pacific Union assistant to the president for communication and Gleaner editor, 1996–2019