Christ Uncensored at InTents 2005

Walla Walla College is an Adventist institution—but that doesn’t mean all attending students are Seventh-day Adventists. Many of them have not made a decision for or against Christ.

Giving WWC students that opportunity is the focus of the college’s annual InTents meetings. “We want to invite people to make a decision in a way that is fresh and real,” says Troy Ahrens, assistant chaplain and InTents coordinator.

Held under a big yellow and white-striped tent on Kretschmar Hall lawn, InTents has been on the WWC campus for 13 years. This year the topic was “Christ Uncensored.”

“So often the idea of something being uncensored is negative,” says Ahrens. “But we are trying to show that Christ’s message does not need to be watered down.”

Student speakers addressed the topics of evil, grace, service and Jesus’ anger completely uncensored. At the end of each evening, the speakers included an appeal for the attendees to accept Christ.

This year’s speakers were Daniel Bennett, a freshman theology major; Jana Cress, a senior theology major; Arlen Farley, a senior theology major; Eden Kietponglert, a junior speech communication major and pre-dentistry; Salomon Mendoza, a freshman pre-occupational therapy and religion major; Tyler Stewart, a junior theology major; and Jenny Tillay, a senior theology major.

Having student speakers, especially with such diverse backgrounds and interests, helps the attending students relate. “Everyone has such a different perspective on life that the theme was attacked from every direction,” says Tillay. “I heard things every evening that I’d never thought of before.”

“And God did show up each night in a direct way,” Ahrens said. “We had between 60 and 140 students every night, and their response cards showed that they were really grappling with the topics. Now we’re following up.”

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Featured in: August 2005
