What a Fellowship

What a Fellowship The Dallas (Ore.) Church was recently blessed as evangelist Steve Cook presented Revelation Speaks Hope. This informative series of PowerPoint presentations, designed by Cook, emphasizes the beautiful Adventist truths found in the book of Revelation. In the weeks that followed, seven new members were baptized. They included Tami Hall and her son, James; Juli Ward, Marilyn LeBaron, Chris McDowell, Nancy Saludo, Alvina Hinch, Alicia Smiley and Robert and Michelle Zowie. All of the new members shared three things in common that drew them into fellowship with the Dallas Church—the leading of the Holy Spirit, the warmth of hospitality extended to them by church members, and the reliance on the Bible as the sole source of spiritual truth. One of the new members, Alivina Hinch, was baptized in a private service on Oct. 8, just two days before her 91st birthday. A native of Kiowa, Colo., she moved to Dallas in 1990, where she lives with her grandson, Richard “Red” Stephens, who was baptized in May of 2005. Alvina studied the Bible with Dallas Church members Dale Franklin and Dave Moffatt. She said, “We used no study guides but the Bible, starting with the book of Genesis." She likes the Adventist Church's emphasis on the Bible and says, "The Dallas Church is especially nice because it is so family-oriented. There is an aura of Christ in the sanctuary and around the people trying to abide by the word of God; you feel welcomed."

What a Fellowship

The Dallas (Ore.) Church was recently blessed as evangelist Steve Cook presented Revelation Speaks Hope. This informative series of PowerPoint presentations, designed by Cook, emphasizes the beautiful Adventist truths found in the book of Revelation.

In the weeks that followed, seven new members were baptized. They included Tami Hall and her son, James; Juli Ward, Marilyn LeBaron, Chris McDowell, Nancy Saludo, Alvina Hinch, Alicia Smiley and Robert and Michelle Zowie.

All of the new members shared three things in common that drew them into fellowship with the Dallas Church—the leading of the Holy Spirit, the warmth of hospitality extended to them by church members, and the reliance on the Bible as the sole source of spiritual truth.

One of the new members, Alivina Hinch, was baptized in a private service on Oct. 8, just two days before her 91st birthday. A native of Kiowa, Colo., she moved to Dallas in 1990, where she lives with her grandson, Richard “Red” Stephens, who was baptized in May of 2005.

Alvina studied the Bible with Dallas Church members Dale Franklin and Dave Moffatt. She said, “We used no study guides but the Bible, starting with the book of Genesis." She likes the Adventist Church's emphasis on the Bible and says, "The Dallas Church is especially nice because it is so family-oriented. There is an aura of Christ in the sanctuary and around the people trying to abide by the word of God; you feel welcomed."

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Featured in: January 2006
