Revival Revitalizes Church

'05 REVIVE with Doug Batchelor of Amazing Facts and Danny Shelton of 3ABN revitalized the Cave Junction Church! A large clock with hands pointed two minutes to midnight filled the bulletin board in the church foyer. Members signed up for 30-minute segments of time to pray around the clock, 24 hours, during the 10-meeting revival.

Meetings were held in the church each evening, but the devil was unhappy with so many praying and rejoicing in the Spirit-filled meetings. We experienced equipment failures, and stormy weather with wind and rain hit the area. Despite these challenges, the Lord supplied our needs, and the meetings continued.

After each meeting, Verne Hyland, Cave Junction Church pastor, invited the members to form small groups of two and three to pray for those on the prayer list and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the church. Following one meeting, prayer for healing was offered and one member was restored to health.

Before the last meeting, a special baptism was held for Tony Bigginton. He gave a testimony of how God managed to get his attention through terrible trials. Several others indicated their interest in preparing for baptism.

The members are continuing to pray 24 hours a day, around the clock as no one wants '05 REVIVE to end.

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Featured in: January 2006
