The Whole World Needs His Blood Jim Kyle Donates the Gift of Life

An urgent call for blood donors went out during the 1943 Montana Camp Meeting, and 17-year-old Jim Kyle responded. Since that time Kyle has donated more than 20 gallons of blood, and the Red Cross has recognized his contribution by awarding him 20 pins.

Now 80, Kyle wanted to give a unit of blood during this year’s camp meeting, completing his 20th gallon where it all began. However, on the Tuesday before camp meeting, the Red Cross called to remind him of his regular appointment, so he gave it there in Hamilton, Mont.

Kyle and his wife Sybil are members of the Darby Church and have been married for 59 years. His wife says he has always been in good health.

When asked why he continues to give his blood, he says the Lord gave him the blood and health, and he wants to help where needed. His blood is type O, which means that anyone can use his blood. “The real universal donor is the Lord Himself,” he says, “and the whole world needs His blood.”

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Featured in: October 2006
