The First Southern Oregon Women's Retreat A Success!

Cloudy skies and cool temperatures couldn’t dampen the spirits of the approximately 90 women who met together for the first Southern Oregon Women’s Retreat at Milo Academy on June 9-11. A winning combination of an awesome guest speaker, interesting and informative workshops, inspirational music, great food, and a beautiful setting in the hills of southern Oregon created an atmosphere that was just right for relaxation, friendship-making and renewal, and recharging one’s spiritual batteries.

Guest speaker, Ginny Allen, challenged the women to not settle for “second-fiddle thinking,” but to seek out the “first-chair position” that God has for each one in life.

Workshop topics included "Building Relationships with Children," "Winsome Witnesses," "Caring for the Caregiver," "God, I Need to Know Who You Really Are," "Relationship Bridges," and "Connecting With God and With Others."

The comments from the evaluation sheets showed the blessings every participant received. Nearly every evaluation mentioned the wonderful food and one specifically said, “The cook deserves a medal.” Other blessings mentioned were “the singing, the fellowship, making new friends;” “Ginny Allen was a blessing;” “my roommate;” “moving of the Spirit throughout the retreat gatherings;” “being back at beautiful Milo;” and too many others to list.

Plans are already underway for another retreat next year. Milo Academy has invited us to come back, so plan now to attend.

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Featured in: October 2006
