Vacation Bible School Brings Families to Church

The happy voices of many children filled the sanctuary of the Cave Junction Church at the 2006 Vacation Bible School graduation.

The children were on the edge of their seats as Pastor Verne, alias Chief White Cloud, told the climax of his continued Native American story.

The two-week VBS also featured a dramatization of a Bible story each day. At the graduation the three worthies were thrown into the fiery furnace as the king commanded. The actors wore colorful costumes to enact each dramatic scene in front of handpainted backdrops.

Their Kids in the Kitchen theme was carried out each day at craft time. The children donned their aprons and chef hats in preparation for preparing whole-wheat sesame soft pretzels one day, salad boats another day, and fruit kabobs to start the first week. Each day brought a new and exciting craft.

Teens helped in the craft room and assisted in each department. Some even helped at exercise time with a fast-moving volleyball game, softball or soccer. Everyone looked forward to the fun games the young people would invent.

More than half of the children were from unchurched homes. Some are presently attending Sabbath School and church. We praise the Lord for each child that was touched by their Friend, Jesus, during the two-week Vacation Bible School.

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Featured in: October 2006
