Milo Welcomes New Faculty

Tim Floyd and his wife Teresa come from Lincoln, Neb., to join the Milo family. Floyd is the new Bible teacher and guidance counselor. In addition to teaching and interacting with the students, Floyd enjoys playing the guitar, rock climbing and gymnastics.

Raquel Ledezma is the new director of the music department, which offers choir, handbells, voice, piano and instrument ensembles. She will also continue leading the Voices of Zion, which she has directed the last four years.

Mark Starr is the new manager of Thunderbird Wood Products. He comes to Milo from the Walla Walla Valley, where he owned and operated Northwest Wood Products for nine years. His wife Nancy Starr is the new administrative assistant. She has been the director of Employee Wellness at Walla Walla College for 15 years. They have four sons: Joshua, Jonathon, Andrew and Luke.

Milo is also happy to have three new task force workers on campus, all from Walla Walla College. Lyndsi Hersey is the new assistant girls’ dean. Hersey was the head resident assistant her senior year at Milo and believes God was leading her back to help others have the great experience she had.

Scott Rae, a junior business major, is the new assistant boys’ dean. He was also the head resident assistant his senior year at Milo. Rae spent the last four summers working at Big Lake Youth Camp and wants to help students have a fun, growing experience at Milo.

J. P. Zenthoefer is the new assistant grounds supervisor. He is a senior health science major and is considering a teaching career. He was drawn to the country setting here at Milo along with a desire to work with young people.

These new staff are already making a positive impact on campus as God blesses their efforts for the students of Milo Adventist Academy.

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Featured in: November 2006
