Goldendale Stages Fun Fair Booth

Brandon Robins stands ready to assist a young person who's preparing to throw a dart at a balloon at the Klickitat County Fair Booth for the Goldendale Church. Many young people lined up to try out this activity. After hitting the balloon, the balloon fragment was taken down and a question, hidden behind, was read to the participant dealing with health or the Bible. When the person answered the question, the person received a copy of such magazines as Winner, Listen, and/or a Sabbath School handout.

Church members gave away many copies of “The Ten Commandments Twice Removed" as well as quite a few brochures about the school. Val Robins, Home and School leader, had half the booth and was successful in advertising the Goldendale Adventist School. New teacher, Lois Potterton, was available to talk to interested parents.

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Featured in: November 2006
