AJA Presents "Storybook of Jesus" Christmas Program

Anchorage Junior Academy broke from their traditional Christmas program and presented a walk-through "Storybook of Jesus" in eight chapters. As family and friends lined up in the entrance eager to begin, little angels made last-minute trips to the restroom, the drummer boy announced he’d already been standing there for 18 hours, and Mary’s head piece slipped again.

Students guided guests through the eight “chapters,” including the angel’s announcement to Mary, the stable scene, shepherds and wise men, boy Jesus in the carpenter shop, the crucifixion and the resurrection. The characters in each scene were portrayed by students from grades K–2. Each chapter began with a proclaimer holding a scroll who spoke the story lines. The chapters, or scenes, were set up in the hall and the assembly room.

Guests were then invited into the gym where the choir and hand chimes, under the direction of Linda Porter, and piano students of Janelle Dixon, provided Christmas music as pictures of school life were projected on the wall. Home and School provided hot drinks and cookies. The volunteer efforts of many people made this unique program possible.

“The program was wonderfully received by the community. We anticipate this program growing and becoming a family tradition for our community,” stated Ruth Farnsworth, AJA principal.

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Featured in: February 2006
