Christmas at Milo Students Adopt Community Children for Christmas

Children from the community’s elementary schools poured into Milo’s student center on Dec. 10, 2005, to enjoy games, food, and fun at a Christmas party hosted especially for them by the student association.

On the night of the party, the student center was ablaze with lights and decorations, including a Christmas tree with presents for the visiting children. Each academy student “adopted” a little brother or sister, and the two then spent the rest of the evening participating in games, activities, and fellowship with each other. Katie Currier, a Milo senior, remembers, “I really liked just sitting down and coloring with the kids, talking to them, and making the connection. It meant a lot to me.”

When the children first arrived, they had the opportunity to decorate cookies, play ping pong, color, or watch a Veggie Tales movie. Parents could be seen on the sidelines, encouraging their kids to join in the fun. As the evening progressed, the noise level in the room grew louder as students and children warmed to each other, trading stories, and laughing over shared experiences.

At the end of the party, after the kids had received their presents and eaten their cookies, the parents started to take their sleepy, yet happy, children back home. For most, it was a pleasant parting with hugs and waves and promises of seeing each other again next year, but some parents had a difficult time convincing their children to let go of their “bigger siblings.”

Students and children alike look forward to another Christmas party next year, where they can create more unforgettable memories.

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Featured in: February 2006
