Neil Nedley Gives Hope To Hundreds in Richland

Neil Nedley, medical doctor and author of several popular books, visited the Richland (Wash.) Church Feb.17–20 to give a scientifically validated message of hope for those suffering from depression.

Nedley gave a presentation “Depression: The Way Out” on the Washington State University–Tri-Cities campus on Friday night with such an overwhelming response that an additional presentation was added. He gave three more presentations on Sabbath at the Richland Church. A “Nedley Depression Recovery Program” training workshop was then conducted on Sunday and Monday, with 250 people attending from Upper Columbia and surrounding conferences.

With Nedley’s personal introductory sessions, the Richland Church maximized registrations for two subsequent eight-week depression recovery programs, which will continue into April and help participants identify the underlying causes or “hits” that bring on depression.

Eric W. Shadle, a medical doctor as well as Richland pastor, said that as an outreach to the community, these sessions will help attendees learn to establish and maintain a strong exercise program, understand depression, eliminate negative habits of body and mind, develop healthy eating patterns, and get more out of the day by enhancing brain function. Shadle expects this program to provide a natural link between spiritual and physical health.

Nedley was invited as part of an ongoing emphasis in the Richland Church on using the health principles of the Adventist Church to impact the lives of individuals in the community. The vision of the Richland Church is to “Reach the Unchurched in Richland” with programs such as Nedley presents.

“This is the bridge we have been waiting to put in place for those in our community who have experienced the physical changes and freedom that come with CHIP (Coronary Health Improvement Project). They will now more fully experience the mental and spiritual components of health," Shadle stated. "I am thrilled that we can play a small part in getting this message to our community in Richland as well as our Adventist community in the Upper Columbia Conference.”

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Featured in: April 2006
