ADRA's Adventure for Kids Miles City Tries Different VBS Program

Want to try something new for Vacation Bible School? The Miles City (Mont.) Church used a VBS program called ADRA’s Adventure for Kids, which emphasizes the needs of people around the world.

Each evening, the meetings focused on a country and type of project that ADRA (Adventist Development and Relief Agency) uses to help the needy. A video showed how ADRA meets local needs by providing clean water, disaster relief, education, jobs, basic medical aid and orphanages.

The VBS also included talks and stories presented by people who had lived or worked in other countries, including Sweden, England, Haiti and China. Bible stories told by costumed characters illustrated the theme of helping others. Crafts were used to show the difference between wants and needs.

Friends of the church helped with talks, Bible stories, crafts and as "tour guides” for the groups of children.

Charlie Smith, a Mt. Ellis Academy student who had helped with evangelistic meetings in the Philippines, spoke at the Friday night meeting.

Every VBS student and most of their parents came to the closing program during the Sabbath worship service and joined church members for a potluck afterward. Patrik Fallang, a Mt. Ellis Honduras mission trip participant, told of the work that his group had done to help build a church.

Though the Miles City Church only has five kids in the VBS age group, attendance reached 23 for the meetings.

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Featured in: May 2006
