Your Gifts Support Our Church, Its Mission

The members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Northwest have been very faithful in giving their tithes and offerings and the Lord has blessed them because of their faithfulness. I believe that we have dedicated members who are fully supporting the church. Your faithfulness has ensured that there are sufficient funds from the tithe to support the mission and ministry of the church. The cost of carrying out our mission continues to increase. Our mission must direct how we use the funds rather than the funds directing the mission.

As the North Pacific Union treasurer, I want to personally thank you, the members of the Adventist family, for your stewardship in giving of your time, your talents and your money for the mission of spreading the Three Angels Message here at home and around the world. We need to stay close to Jesus; let's be faithful witnesses until Jesus comes.

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Featured in: June 2006
