Parma Church Celebrates 100 Years

The members of the Parma (Idaho) Church celebrated their 100th year on March 11, 2006.

Joining in the celebration were several ministers who had been pastors of the church, from left: (front) Marguerite Knauft; (middle) Ron and Rozella Stroud, Emil Knauft, Dan Knauft, Ronda Evans; (back) Tim and Lori Gray, Garey and Marilyn Gantz, current pastoral couple, and Denny Evans.

The church was organized on Dec. 13, 1905, and the members met in homes until they purchased their first church in the early 1920s. Services were held in that building until 2002, when the new church building was completed.

About 160 people attended the celebration, including four Douglas sisters, Esther Luce, age 89, Dorothea Huett, age 84, Helen Bohne, age 82 and Jean Douglas, age 73.

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Featured in: June 2006
