After Many Days Jerry Clemm Finally Finds What He's Been Looking For

From the time that Jerry Clemm was a young boy, the question of the Sabbath has been on his mind. He remembers asking his mother why people went to church on Sunday when the calendar shows Saturday being the seventh day of the week. He had read enough of the Bible as a child to know that God set apart the seventh day as the Sabbath during creation week. His mother’s answer was incomplete and didn’t go with the Bible, which never satisfied his curious mind.

But life goes on, time passes and Clemm occupied himself with work, raising his family and making a living.

However, after he retired, he began to think about spiritual things again. And again the question of the Sabbath came to mind. His daughter gave him a flyer for He began his study, asking his wife, Kathy, questions that she could not answer. She went to her Bible and began to read and found his answers. Kathy continued to read her Bible until she had read it in its entirety in a year. They took more studies by correspondence from the Voice of Prophecy and became convicted.

One Sabbath morning, he announced to his wife that he was going to go visit the Adventist church and “see what they were all about.” “Do you want to go with me?” Kathy agreed. Their visit to the Troy Church was a positive one. “We felt like we had come home,” Clemm remarked. The Troy Church welcomed the Clemms into their church family at their baptism. They have already become involved. Clemm is teaching an adult Sabbath School class. Kathy is a greeter, using her pretty smile and talent as the world's best cookie baker for Vacation Bible School and other church functions.

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Featured in: June 2006
