Camp Meeting Youth Speaker Redefines Romance

High school youth were encouraged to give God control of their dating and romance at the Idaho Conference Camp Meeting June 6–10. “I believe that God is the creator of romance, intimacy and all things lovely,” says Sarah Asaftei, the young woman from Macon, Ga., who spoke with the young people every evening. “In a society where everything is instant, few learn the value of delaying our desires.”

Night by night, more than three dozen students interacted with Asaftei as she shared her own story of God’s guidance. She shared how God led in the “modern fairy tale” of her eventual marriage to her pastor husband, Marius, and of the immense rewards of surrendering your romantic heart to God.

She has established Redefinition Ministries as a means to guide modern young people through the process of defining critical aspects of everyday life.

She truly connected with the young people. She had their attention and invited them to give God their hearts.

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Featured in: August 2006
