Saw Mill Sent to Peru

When 70 volunteers from the Woodland/Cedar Creek area went to Junajui, Peru, in June 2005 to build an Adventist church, many on the trip noticed that if the people there had a saw mill they could do much more of their own construction.

Cedar Creek/Woodland members with help of local business people raised the necessary funds. The saw mill was shipped to Indiana, Peru, which is on the Amazon, south of Iquitos.

Sam Smith and Gill Plotner went to Peru to set it up but they were only able to help build the building to house the saw mill, as the saw mill was not yet released from customs.

A second trip was needed. This time Smith and Plotner had an assistant, John Littlefield, go with them. They were able to complete the work and tell the local people how to use the saw mill. Soon new chapels and churches will be a reality there because of this new facility.

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Featured in: August 2006
